Families for James Lankford

Political Committees | Committee - Candidate

Recent News About Families for James Lankford

James Lankford: Helping Veterans & Families Get Veteran Records Efficiently

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enator Lankford’s office was able to more efficiently get access to veterans DD-214s and other military records at the National Personnel Records Center.

James Lankford: Working to Protect Against Democrats' Federal Election Takeover

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Senator Lankford continues to work for free and fair elections for all legal voters. He recently praised a letter from nationally trusted Oklahoma State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax regarding the dangers he sees posed by S. 1 and H.R. 1, the For the People Act, to Oklahoma’s free and fair election process

James Lankford: Protecting Conscience Rights

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James Lankford: Protecting Conscience Rights

James Lankford: Calling Out Budget Gimmicks to “pay for the infrastructure Bill”

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James Lankford: Calling Out Budget Gimmicks to “pay for the infrastructure Bill”

James Lankford: Saving Harmon hospital in Hollis, OK

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James Lankford: Saving Harmon hospital in Hollis, OK

James Lankford: Stopped an ICE detention facility in Hinton, OK

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James Lankford: Stopped an ICE detention facility in Hinton, OK

James Lankford: Rumors about the possibility of federal incentives for states that enact red flag laws.

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James Lankford: Rumors about the possibility of federal incentives for states that enact red flag laws.

James Lankford: Rumors about the possibility of universal background checks.

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James Lankford: Rumors about the possibility of universal background checks.

James Lankford: President Biden's nomination of David Chipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)

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James Lankford: President Biden's nomination of David Chipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)

James Lankford: Enhancing Access for Charitable Giving

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Senator Lankford introduced the bipartisan Universal Giving Pandemic Response and Recovery Act to expand and extend the current deduction for charitable giving.

James Lankford: Preserving the Hyde and Weldon Amendments for Life

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A leader in the Senate to stand for life, Senator Lankford introduced a bipartisan-supported amendment, which passed, to the Democrats’ partisan budget resolution to stop taxpayers from being forced to pay for abortions and abortion-related discrimination.

James Lankford: Uncovering $2 billion in waste at Border

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James Lankford: Uncovering $2 billion in waste at Border

James Lankford: Exposing Biden’s Border Crisis

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James Lankford: Exposing Biden’s Border Crisis

James Lankford: Turning Oklahoma Veteran’s Frustration with TRICARE into a Win for Veterans

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James Lankford: Turning Oklahoma Veteran’s Frustration with TRICARE into a Win for Veterans

James Lankford: Preventing Service Members from being Dishonorably Discharged over COVDI-19 Vaccine Status

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James Lankford: Preventing Service Members from being Dishonorably Discharged over COVDI-19 Vaccine Status

James Lankford: Ensured Southern Border Wall Is Finished

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After visiting the Arizona border in March 2021 and after months of holding the Biden Administration accountable for its failures to enforce the law and preserve national security at the southern border, Lankford announced that the Department of Homeland Security would finish several gaps in the border wall located in San Diego, El Centro, Yuma, Tucson, El Paso, and Del Rio.

James Lankford: Protecting Taxpayer Privacy from IRS Facial Recognition

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Senator Lankford, a member of the Senate Finance Committee, joined Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) and their Senate Republican colleagues to raise serious questions and concerns with the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) announcement of a major expansion of its collaboration with ID.me that will require taxpayers to have an ID.me account to access key IRS online resources.

James Lankford: Work to Protect Life

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Lankford remains a leader for defending life at all stages—whether born or unborn—in Washington, DC, and especially in the Senate.

James Lankford: Protecting Second Amendment Rights

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Senator Lankford strongly believes in protecting our Second Amendment rights for law-abiding Americans.

James Lankford: Border Security

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We have a crisis at the US-Mexico border that President Biden and his team refuse to acknowledge.