Mark Green for Congress

Political Committees | Committee- U.S. Congress Campaign

Recent News About Mark Green for Congress

Mark Green for Congress: Rep. Mark Green To solve Biden's border crisis address this is what we need to do in Latin America

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The recent resurgence of the crisis at our southern border and the coronavirus pandemic that has made its way to every corner of this world have made one thing clear: We must recalibrate U.S.

Rep. Mark Green: To solve Biden's border crisis address this is what we need to do in Latin America

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We must recalibrate U.S. engagement in Latin America and recommit to bolstering our economic alliances across the region.

Democrats Reject Rep. Green’s Amendment Protecting Faith-Based Women’s Shelters

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House Democrats have again rejected a common-sense measure offered by Rep. Green. Rep. Green’s amendment to the Democrats’ Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act would have ensured that the grant programs reauthorized in the bill preserve the rights of conscience for faith-based women’s shelters and crisis service providers

House Democrats Reject Rep. Green’s Common-Sense Border Security Measures

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Last night, Rep. Mark Green offered two amendments to House Democrats’ amnesty bill that were rejected out of hand during markup

Rep. Mark Green Requests Flexibility for School Statewide Assessments Amid COVID19 Pandemic

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Today, Rep. Mark Green (TN-7) sent a letter to Secretary DeVos requesting that the U.S. Department of Education recognize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on schools’ abilities to administer statewide assessments and immediately grant any State’s request for a one-year waiver from Section 8401 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

Rep. Green Statement on China's Baseless Accusations Against U.S. Troops

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The only thing our soldiers have been known to bring the world is liberty, freedom, and democracy, something China's government seems to keep quarantined.

Rep. Mark Green Update On Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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80% of patients will have mild to moderate symptoms. Patients with mild disease will recover in two weeks. For those with severe disease, about 20%, recovery is three to six weeks.

Reps. Green and Cuellar Introduce Bipartisan Allied Burden Sharing Report Act

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Today, Congressman Mark Green (TN-07) and Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) introduced the bipartisan, bicameral Allied Burden Sharing Report Act of 2021, a bill that would require the Department of Defense to provide Congress with a report on the common defense contributions of NATO countries and other defense partners

Mark Green for Congress: GOP lawmaker renews push for balanced budget amendment

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Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.), a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, re-introduced a constitutional amendment on Tuesday that would require Congress to balance the federal budget.

Rep. Green Visits Hardin County Amid Severe Flooding in February

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The severe flooding left homes underwater, businesses interrupted, roads washed away, and crop land flooded in Hardin County and across the 7th District and the State of Tennessee.

Rep. Mark Green Introduces Constitutional Amendment Requiring Congress to Balance Its Budget

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Today, Rep. Mark Green introduced a constitutional amendment that would require Congress to pass a balanced budget within 10 years and keep that budget permanently balanced

GOP lawmaker renews push for balanced budget amendment

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Conservative lawmakers have been pushing for a balanced budget amendment since the mid-1990s.

Rep. Mark Green Statement on Coronavirus Case in Williamson County, Tennessee

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Today, Rep. Green issued the following statement on the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Tennessee:

Mark Green for Congress: The veterans who need Congress to act in 2021

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As members of Congress, we all share a deep respect for our men and women in uniform, as well as a collective responsibility to ensure that our veterans are appropriately cared for upon their return home.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Links:

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The early morning hours of March 3rd brought severe storms cells and fatal tornadoes across Nashville and surrounding counties, including Benton County in the 7th District.

The veterans who need Congress to act in 2021

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As members of Congress, we all share a deep respect for our men and women in uniform, as well as a collective responsibility to ensure that our veterans are appropriately cared for upon their return home.

Green, Pfluger, and Salazar Call for Comprehensive Strategy on Venezuela

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Today, in a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Republican Congressman Mark Green (TN-07), Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11), and Congresswoman Maria Salazar (FL-27) called on Congress and the Biden Administration to develop a comprehensive strategy to address the humanitarian and security crisis in Venezuela

Green, Bice Lead Bipartisan Group Urging President Biden to Follow Through on K2 Study

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Congressman Mark Green (TN-7) and Congresswoman Stephanie Bice (OK-5) led a bipartisan group of Representatives in sending a letter to President Biden, requesting that he follow through with efforts to study the toxic exposure of nearly 10,000 military personnel previously stationed at Karshi Khanabad (K2) Air Base in Uzbekistan

Mark Green for Congress: Speaker Pelosi’s 'For the People Act' is Really For the Politicians

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H.R. 1, the “For the People Act,” is a blatant attempt by Speaker Pelosi and Democrats to concentrate power in the hands of the federal government and separate the American people from democracy.

Speaker Pelosi’s 'For the People Act' is Really For the Politicians

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I led the charge against H.R. 1 last Congress, and I will continue to fight the passage of this unconstitutional bill.