
Hoop Dance edition!



Hoop Dance edition! When I was in high school, I competed in the Heard Museum World Championship Hoop Dance Contest. I was a girl competing in a mostly men's dance form, incorporating gymnastics & modern dance - very diff. from traditional hoop dancers! 

I felt out of place, and didn't do that well initially, but I came back and kept trying year after year - eventually winning the Teen Division in 1997, becoming the first female to ever win a title at the  Heard Museum World Championship Hoop Dance Contest!

Years later, I started teaching my own kids the hoop dance!

As time passed, I realized how much things had changed - now girls & women regularly compete, and regularly WIN!!! I'm humbled that my high school self played a small role in paving the way for girls to hoop dance!

Now, I am honored to serve on the Board of Trustees of the Heard Museum - life came full circle!

And, in my spare time  I teach my own kids and others - the next generation of hoop dancers! It really is amazing to be able to give back and share such a beautiful tradition.

She been at the Heard Museum World Championship Hoop Dance Contest, cheering on these little hoop dancers - I hope you can join and experience a one of a kind event here in our great state!

Original source can be found here.


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