
CAMPAIGN UPDATE - I ran into two of my GOP opponents at the dinner in OKC Friday night



CAMPAIGN  UPDATE... I ran into two of my GOP opponents at the dinner in OKC  Friday night. Jackson Lahmeyer is a newcomer & young pastor in Tulsa  who I believe is really trying to get Trump's endorsement. Hmmmm.. I  supported Trump from 2016 on so we'll see what happens there. I also saw  Senator James Lankford who is the incumbent and a former pastor. He is a  good man but I've been hearing a lot of people say they want him out  for not supporting Trump. What I saw when I ran back in 2014 was how  Senator Inhofe who has been in Congress 35 yrs helped bring him into the  fold, so he has had to be beholding to him ever since. He became a "yes  man" pretty much like Obama did. Deep State career politicians and even  those they mentor serve $$ and not God and are destroying our country.  The Bible says "you shall not be unequally yoked" and I've found this to  be true even in business relationships, so it's a shame that he hasn't  been his own man. Reminds me of a quote: "Follow your friends into hell  and your reward will be a place with them."

Original source can be found here.


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