"calm is a superpower."



GODSPEAK...  Yesterday morning, I was waiting at a dr appt and posted that "calm is a  superpower." I had no idea that about an hour later I was going to  witness just that. I stopped into my favorite place the Derby Post  Office and a young man walked in. He then proceeded to chew them out for  not delivering his mail. Don't I know that story! Anyway, he was  cussing and they asked him to leave but he wouldn't, so they called the  police. I thought "this guy has every right," so I stood by him while he  ranted. In the meantime, people are coming & going and one guy  decides to start filming him on his phone. A supervisor came out to talk  to the man and I stood there quietly to back him up. The supervisor was  sympathetic, the man then calmed down and left peacefully. As I was  leaving, three police cars drove in. I'm glad I helped him stand up for  his rights. It was 2003 when I first told someone I thought the govt  (Deep State) was causing the people to suffer. So I can sympathize with  how angry young people are at this generation. But we just need to trust  and believe in God's plan for our country. He is working all things  together for our good!

Original source can be found here.


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