James Tarantin for the United States Senate: The BATTLE to Regain Our Dignity



The BATTLE to Regain Our Dignity

James Tarantin for the United States Senate

Help us win Maryland ⚡

* As a businessman > I believe that small businesses run by the middle class are the engine of America. It would be smart to CUT TAXES and excessive regulations.  Common Sense solutions.

* As an Importer > I believe in FAIR TRADE-deals with other nations.

* As a Father > Parents have 100% Right to design the education of their children. Schools should not be so expensive or indirectly teach hate.

we must ALLOW PARENTS NOW to get a full tax deduction when they save money for their children's education.

* As someone who suffered poverty for 10 years > I relate to the pain of people when they pay more for Gas and Food.

* As a Citizen > Is it fair that some cities, for political reasons, support the historic rise in crime, but not our police or the privacy of our information online?

* As a Voter > why do Career Politicians get unlimited cash from the rich and then use it to campaign on false narratives and disinformation?

* As an Immigrant - Just like we protect the borders of other nations around the world, we need to protect ours … Unsecure borders can create threats such as violence and drugs.

 * As a Son > SENIORS cannot afford the high taxes in Maryland. They cannot afford the transportation costs and there are not enough 55 and up older communities.

 * As someone whose both parents served in the army > A family who lost their loved one in war should NEVER PAY FEDERAL TAX.

 * As an Author I wonder - why do career politicians DO NOT AGREE to have term limits ?

Make Your Voice Come Alive

Original source can be found here


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