White Wins 4 of 5 PAGOP Regional Caucus Straw Polls
Ridley Park, Pa. – Blue-collar businessman and Republican candidate for Pennsylvania Governor Dave White (R-Delaware) continued his strong performance in the PAGOP’s regional caucuses, winning the Southeast Caucus straw poll.
Dave White said: “I am incredibly encouraged that our message of bringing less talk and more action to Harrisburg continues to resonate with voters across Pennsylvania. For too long, Harrisburg has ignored reducing the tax burden on hard working families, lessening the regulatory burden on Pennsylvania businesses, securing our elections for all voters, and putting parents back in charge of their children’s education. I can feel our campaign’s momentum growing by the day, and I know we are ready to take on and defeat career politician Josh Shapiro this November.”
Despite a field of more than a dozen candidates, Dave White again showed the strength of his candidacy by winning the PAGOP Southeast Caucus straw poll. Tonight’s results built upon the momentum White ignited with victories in the Central, NECRA, and Southwest Caucus straw polls in January. Overall, White won 4 of the 5 PAGOP regional caucus straw polls that released results.
Beyond the growing grassroots momentum for his campaign, White’s campaign is well positioned financially to deliver his positive message to all Pennsylvania voters. As of December 31st, White posted more than $3.35 million, with more than $2.5 million cash on hand – the most of any candidate in the Republican field.
Original source can be found here.