Congressman Van Drew issued the following statement on President Biden mandating vaccines and testing on the American people who travel overseas while he allows unvaccinated illegal immigrants to pour in at our southern border.
“It is amazing how President Biden and his administration continuously place mandates on the American people, yet illegal immigrants are flooding into our country daily with no proof of vaccination status or any testing requirements,” said Congressman Van Drew. “We have no idea if these individuals traveling to our southern border are sick, but taxpayer dollars are being used to fly them all over the country with the possibility of infecting our citizens. Between Dr. Fauci and this administration, the American people have no clear answer of when this authoritative power grab will end. We were told that if we received the vaccine, we would not need to wear a mask, which clearly was not the case. Now, President Biden wants to place extensive requirements on the American people who just want to be able to travel and enjoy the holidays.
“President Biden’s unconstitutional mandate on businesses to require their employees to be vaccinated has already been struck down by the court, but he continues to exert his control in Americans daily lives. He is singlehandedly crippling our supply chain and exacerbating the labor shortage all because of his mandates. Our economy will never recover if President Biden continues to extend his government control in places where it doesn’t belong. I recently introduced legislation that would ensure Americans do not lose their livelihoods by preventing any entity from imposing an authoritarian vaccine mandate.”
Original source can be found here.