Congressman Van Drew issued the following statement on President Biden admitting that there is no federal solution in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. This week, President Biden had a call with our nation’s governors where he admitted that responses to COVID-19 should be handled at the state level.
“After months of trying to mandate how states and the American people should respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, President Biden has finally realized that he was overreaching the authority granted to him by the Constitution,” said Congressman Van Drew. “Republican governors have insisted from the beginning to let them have autonomy in handling the response to COVID-19, but President Biden and his administration have continuously attempted to combat that effort with overbearing, one size fits all mandates. He has continued to give power to Dr. Fauci who has been wrong time and time again. Americans were told if they received a vaccine their lives would go back to normal – wrong. Americans were told if they received a vaccine they would not be able to transmit the virus to others – wrong. Dr. Fauci went from changing his stance on masking to wearing one mask to protect yourselves and others, then two masks, then even suggested wearing eye covers. This ridiculous fear mongering has to stop.
“The latest example of Dr. Fauci and the CDC shoving orders down the American people’s throat with no clear justification is the time spent quarantining. The CDC originally said you would not be contagious after 14 days, then it was 10 days, and now the CDC says you only have to be quarantined for five days. When will this end? The American people are tired; tired of mandates, tired of having their lives controlled by the government. President Biden needs to surround himself with the best team available consisting of researchers, physicians, epidemiologists, and pharmacists. Our people deserve nothing but honesty and transparency from our elected officials and public health officials. Dr. Fauci needs to be fired and our Governors must be able to govern without interference from him or President Biden.”
Original source can be found here.