Nancy Pelosi Announces Re-Election in Desperate Rescue Effort for Handpicked Candidates



Last night, Nancy Pelosi announced she would be running for re-election in a desperate effort to rescue her handpicked rubber stamp candidates.

While Democrats across the country, including here in the 3rd District, are seeing the writing on the wall and retiring in droves, Nancy Pelosi is running on record inflation, stunning failures in managing the border crisis, and a complete failure to stand up to the radical wing of her own party.

Derrick Van Orden released the following statement on Nancy Pelosi’s re-election announcement:

“Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden’s record of failure is stunning. We have the highest inflation in forty years, an untold number of American citizens still in Afghanistan, our nation’s borders are wide open, 100,000 Americans are dead from drug overdose driven by fentanyl, and they have us on the brink of war with Russia.

Americans have had enough.

This November we will flip the house, starting right here in Western Wisconsin. I’m ready to go to Washington and lead for our country and for the people of this district.”

Original source can be found here.


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