
Gail Huff Brown for Congress Responds to the U.S. Senate Field Hearing in New Hampshire

New Hampshire


Huff Brown called on New Hampshire’s congressional delegation to finish building the wall on our southern border and enforce ‘Remain in Mexico.’

RYE, NH – Today, Gail Huff Brown responded to yesterday’s U.S. Senate Field Hearing in New Hampshire.

“Chris Pappas and our congressional delegation know that Mexican drug cartels are exploiting people, that children are dying of deadly fentanyl overdoses, and that law enforcement is overwhelmed and under-equipped,” said Huff Brown.

“Granite Staters don’t need more hearings and political doublespeak – what they need is for Pappas and their representatives to take action and call on Joe Biden to finish the wall and enforce ‘Remain in Mexico.’

“As Congresswoman, it will be my top priority to end the senseless deaths of our children by securing our border, enforcing ‘Remain in Mexico,’ and supporting our law enforcement.”


• Yesterday, New Hampshire’s congressional delegation heard testimony that children are intentionally being targeted with fentanyl by Mexican drug cartels.

• The last time Chris Pappas visited the southern border, it was to call for fewer security measures, not more.

• Gail Huff Brown was the first candidate for New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District to visit the U.S. – Mexico border to see what is happening first-hand and call for the completion of the wall and the enforcement of ‘Remain in Mexico.’

Original source can be found here.


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