Representatives Stauber and Tiffany Issue Joint Statement ahead of President Biden’s Visit to the Twin Ports Area



WASHINGTON, D.C. - Representatives Pete Stauber (MN-08) and Tom Tiffany (WI-07) issued the following statement in advance of President Joe Biden’s visit to Superior, Wisconsin:

“While protecting our nation’s infrastructure is key to advancing commerce and maintaining a robust economy, President Biden’s infrastructure package was a Trojan Horse for the Democrats’ big-spending socialist agenda. Let us be clear – we support funding for the Great Lakes and the Twin Ports. However, only a fraction of the Biden Administration’s ‘infrastructure’ spending is dedicated to real infrastructure needs – while pouring billions into ‘green’ giveaways and Big City public transit systems, short-changing rural America.

“As a direct result of Biden’s wasteful spending, Americans are now struggling with the highest inflation rate in 40 years. Rising prices punish every single American at the grocery store, and gas prices are up almost 50% in the last 12 months, making our everyday lives more difficult and expensive.  

“Further, it is insulting that President Biden is visiting the very region in which he recently killed the prospect of thousands of good paying union jobs through his cancellation of the Twin Metals Leases. This is a classic bait and switch, and our constituents aren’t falling for Biden’s hypocrisy.

“We welcome the President to change his tactics and bridge the divide between rural, blue-collar workers and his supporters on the coasts by putting forth policies that will create jobs, not kill them; make us energy and mineral independent, not dependent on adversarial nations; and make the federal government live within its means, not cripple our children and grandchildren with debt for unwanted socialist programs.”

Original source can be found here.


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