
Rick Crawford for Congress: Rep. Crawford Responds to Growing Crisis at the Southern Border



Washington — Rep. Rick Crawford (AR-1) commented today on news that more than 10,000 Haitians and counting have joined growing numbers from around the world gathering at our wide-open southern border. Media reports indicate they are being dropped off by the busload by criminal cartels, seizing on the Administration’s refusal to enforce the immigration laws President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took an oath to uphold.

“The situation at our southern border is not just a crisis. It is a scandal. One created and encouraged by President Biden and Vice President Harris,” Crawford said.

Already this year, people from 90 different nations have been stopped by Border Control trying to enter the United States illegally, including families, groups of men, and unaccompanied children. The Biden Administration, meanwhile, has weakened interior enforcement, and is busing illegal aliens to communities throughout the United States. Most of them are impoverished, and will stay in America permanently.

“They are coming in record numbers,” Crawford added, “because the Administration refuses to enforce existing immigration laws, while Congressional Democrats have promised to grant mass amnesty to millions of illegal aliens through their upcoming, $3.5 trillion socialist ‘reconciliation’ bill.”

Once inside America, illegal aliens are eligible for free emergency health care, free K-12 education, and once given amnesty, cradle-to-grave welfare benefits paid for by American families via higher taxes, and by increasing our federal debt. They also drive down wages for jobs held disproportionately by Americans of color.

Crawford concluded: “This brazen campaign by Democratic politicians to flood the nation with the world’s poor, and then grant them mass amnesty, is a cynical attack on our democracy – just like their efforts in court-packing, statehood for Democrat-dominated Washington, DC, ending the filibuster, encouraging voter fraud, and other violations of our once-shared democratic norms.

“The question remains: why are Democrat politicians hell-bent on ‘fundamentally transforming’ the greatest nation on earth?”

Original source can be found here.


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