WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) released the following video statement wishing Arkansans a Merry Christmas:
“I want to wish all Arkansans and Americans a Merry Christmas.
“At this time of the year we are especially mindful of the sacrifices our servicemembers make, separated from their loved ones, and we’re grateful for their dedication to protect our nation.
“Join me in taking a moment to pray for them and their families during the holidays.
“Christmas has always been a favorite for me, from cutting down the Christmas tree to watching my grandkids open their presents to celebrating the birth of our savior. It has a special place in my heart as my family has grown and changed, but the magic of the season remains the same.
“I hope all of us are able to hold our loved ones close during this special time of the year. I love seeing Arkansans celebrate the true meaning of Christmas by spreading joy and holiday cheer in their communities all across the state. We know the 2021 holiday season has been tough for many families. As we reflect on this year’s ups and downs, remember we are all in this together and we have much to be thankful for.
“May God bless you, and please remember the reason for the season: the birth of our savior. On behalf of my wife Cathy and the entire Boozman family, Merry Christmas!”
Original source can be found here.