WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) released the following statement regarding the announcement that Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer plans to retire:
“I wish Justice Breyer well and thank him for his service to our country. With respect to a vacancy on the nation’s highest court, my criteria for nominees I can support remain the same. As was the case with the last three justices I helped confirm under President Trump, any nominee should be widely respected and well-qualified with a demonstrated commitment to upholding the Constitution and following the intent of Congress. I encourage President Biden to refrain from selecting a judicial activist who legislates from the bench. His administration and the nominee should expect a full, vigorous vetting.”
Source: https://www.boozman.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=9F21252A-0B21-4B4C-B2DB-F21BFDD0A046