Earl Blumenauer: We're making so much progress



We are making so much progress.

Last week, the President signed the largest infrastructure bill in American history into law in front of a bipartisan group of lawmakers.

That bill provides $1.6 billion to Oregon to improve our public transit systems; access to safe drinking water; replace and repair our bridges; expand our electric vehicle charging station network, and help us protect our communities from wildfires.

I also fought to ensure that the bill would include a new program to prevent death and serious injury on our roads and streets as well as historic funding levels for biking, walking, and public transit.

And most recently, the House passed the Build Back Better Act: legislation that invests in working families – by lowering health, child, and family care costs – and combats the climate crisis, all while creating jobs and making big corporations and wealthy Americans pay their fair share.

The Build Back Better Act includes my legislation to make oil and gas polluters pay by reinstating the Superfund tax, a decades-expired tax that requires mega polluters to pay to clean up their toxic legacies in our backyard. It also includes provisions I authored to make our electric grid greener with wind and solar energy as well as a first-of-its-kind incentive for the purchase of an electric bike.

The Senate should pass this legislation after we moved heaven and earth to get it this far. They shouldn't allow failure to be an option – and neither should we.

Source: https://www.earlblumenauer.com/2021/11/24/were-making-so-much-progress/


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