
Reps. Miller, Johnson Introduce Legislation to Increase Foreign Investment in Business-Friendly States

West Virginia

WASHINGTON D.C. – Congresswoman Carol Miller (R-WV) and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) introduced the bipartisan Website for Economies of Business-friendly States (WEBS) Act of 2021 in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The WEBS Act would direct the U.S. Secretary of Commerce to establish a publicly available webpage that provides information about the business climate of each state. This would help highlight pro-business states, like West Virginia, as destinations for companies looking to move from high-tax states, or for international investors looking to invest in the U.S.

"Since coming to Congress, I've made it my mission to bring more business, foreign investment, and opportunity to West Virginia," said Congresswoman Miller. "The WEBS Act will build on that mission by providing interested investors a trustworthy resource on the best places to do business in America – with West Virginia at the top of the list. I'm pleased to work with Congresswoman Johnson and West Virginia's economic leaders on this bill to promote the Mountain State and other business-friendly states like it."

"Over the past several years, Texas—especially North Texas—has been the destination for businesses and investors from across the United States and around the world. The combination of our pro-business policies, highly-skilled workforce, and state-of-the-art infrastructure has made our region and our state among the best for economic opportunity and prosperity," said Congresswoman Johnson. "It is critical that potential businesses have access to this type of information on a single, convenient website when considering relocation or an investment. That is why I am proud to introduce the WEBS Act with Congresswoman Miller, and I look forward to advocating for its passage."

"Encouraging job creation, supporting an innovative and diverse economy, and improving the quality of life for all West Virginians are foundational objectives for the WV Department of Economic Development. We strive to make West Virginia an attractive location for business investment, and look forward to continuing to work with Congresswoman Miller to promote the State as a location both domestically and abroad. In a world that is increasingly more connected digitally, we are excited to support the Congresswoman's efforts to enhance West Virginia's online presence as a business-friendly state," said Mitch Carmichael, Secretary of the WV Department of Economic Development.


Studies show that many employers and individuals leave high-tax states for low-tax states to start and operate a business. They additionally gravitate toward states with a skilled and educated workforce, given that those states are more business-friendly and have an easier time hiring employees.

The website will require the Department of Commerce to include information regarding each state's business income and payroll taxes, incentives for establishing a business in or relocating a business, average cost of living, job training programs available, information on opportunity zones, colleges, universities, and research institutions located in the state, minimum wage requirements, and contact information for each state's business development office.

The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of State, will additionally be required to promote the website to foreign nationals who may be considering relocating a business to the United States or otherwise investing in the United States.

A publicly available website will serve as an unbiased source for potential businesses and investors and help to make informed, data-driven decisions about where to locate or relocate their business. The website would serve as a "one-stop shop" for potential business owners to receive key information and contact details for setting up a business, thus promoting business growth in the United States.



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