
House Freedom Caucus Supports Discharge Petition for Life at Conception Act

West Virginia


WASHINGTON — The House Freedom Caucus released the following statement announcing an official position in support of Rep. Good’s (R-VA) resolution to discharge H.R. 1011, the Life at Conception Act (Rep. Mooney, R-WV) for immediate consideration by the House of Representatives.

“Churches, pregnancy clinics, and Supreme Court Justices have been violently targeted by the radical Left in their effort to push their extremist abortion agenda and intimidate pro-life Americans across the country. Now is the time for House Republicans to advance serious pro-life legislation and take the unequivocal moral stance that life begins at conception. The Freedom Caucus supports Rep. Good’s resolution to force a vote on the Life at Conception Act.”

This resolution would immediately provide one hour of debate on H.R. 1011 in the House of Representatives under a closed rule, thereby preventing Speaker Pelosi from offering motions to weaken or undermine the legislation. Following debate, the House would be required to take a recorded vote on the Life at Conception Act and give all Members of Congress the opportunity to show constituents where they stand on this critical issue.

Original source can be found here.


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