

Dave McCormick overwhelmingly won tonight’s GOP Senate primary debate hosted by ABC27 in Harrisburg. Dave’s battle-tested, Pennsylvania true track record resonates across the Commonwealth as his campaign momentum continues to grow, and more and more Pennsylvanians realize Mehmet Oz is nothing more than a Hollywood liberal phony who will read whatever script is put in front of him.

“I’m running for the people of Pennsylvania and campaigning across the state as the battle-tested and Pennsylvania true candidate who will go to Washington on day one and restore pro-growth, America First policies. With the growing issues facing our nation, there is no time for on-the-job training. I have fought for this country on the frontlines, run two successful businesses and created jobs in Pennsylvania, and gone head-to-head in trade negotiations with countries like China. I’m prepared on day one to stand up to Joe Biden and the extreme left and restore strong leadership in the U.S. Senate and the American Dream for all Pennsylvanians,” said Dave McCormick.

“I’m a 7th generation Pennsylvanian focused on fighting for our Commonwealth. Unlike Hollywood liberal Mehmet Oz from New Jersey, I am gaining momentum across Pennsylvania because I will always uphold the principles and policies most important to you because I am one of you. On every issue, Hollywood liberal Mehmet Oz aligned with the Left until he decided to run for a Republican seat. Oz is a flip-flopping phony no one can trust and voters see him for who he really is - an anti-guns, anti-PA energy, pro-illegal immigration, pro-abortion, pro-transgender transitions for children liberal.”

Dave McCormick has support across the Commonwealth and party from strong conservative voices like Secretary Mike Pompeo, Senator Ted Cruz, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Mike Huckabee, Former U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Former Senator Rick Santorum, Faith and Freedom Coalition Leader Ralph Reed, National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd, U.S. Congressman Dan Meuser, U.S. Congressman GT Thompson, Pennsylvania county GOP committees, and numerous county sheriffs and elected officials across the Commonwealth. Today, nearly 50 highly prominent West Point graduates, like Mike Pompeo, endorsed Dave as the Senator both Pennsylvania and our country needs to deal with the growing security challenges facing our great Nation.

Dave McCormick was born in Pittsburgh and raised in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania where his family owned a farm. A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Dave served in the All-American 82nd Airborne Division during the Gulf War. He’s run two successful businesses, FreeMarkets and Bridgewater Associates, the former creating hundreds of jobs and economic revitalization for the Steel City. Dave also stood up for the U.S. and went toe-to-toe in trade negotiations with our adversaries, like China, during his time as Under Secretary at the Commerce and Treasury departments.

Original source can be found here


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