David McCormick: Fact-Checking Mehmet Oz’s Phony Statements and Hollywood Liberal Record



Hollywood liberal Mehmet Oz continues to lie about his Extreme Left public policy positions, and refused to answer the concerns voters across the Commonwealth have about his record. It could not be more clear Oz is a phony who will read whatever script is put in front of him to win an election in a state he’s not even from. Mehmet Oz is aligned with the Hollywood left, not Pennsylvania. We cannot trust him.

During tonight’s PA GOP Senate primary debate, Oz again either lied or refused to answer for his Hollywood liberal record.

When asked about Oz’s television show promoting transgender procedures for children as young as 8 years old, Oz responded that he stated “I showed views that need to be expressed on network television.”

Oz has a strong history promoting transgender transitions and ideology for children and tonight he doubled down on that position:

  • Oz used his show to promote transgender ideology, including surgery for kids as young as 8 years old.
  • Oz also promoted the use of hormone blockers to prevent puberty.
  • Oz praised a parent for transitioning their child, saying, “I love the support you’ve given your daughter. It’s wonderful. And you can see the beautiful young woman she’s becoming because of it.”


Mehmet Oz said during COVID we “witnessed a top down authoritarian control from the government” and that “Anthony Fauci should be fired.” When asked if he had changed his position from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to now he flatly said “No.”

If his position hasn’t changed that must mean he still believes the following:

  • Oz praised California’s liberal governor for locking down the state, said the U.S needed to follow China’s lead in locking down the country, said there were medical reasons to lock down schools but only political reasons not to, said he didn’t understand the debate about wearing masks, praised Dr. Fauci as a ‘pro’ that Oz respects and even questioned President Trump on whether it was safe to re-open the country.


Mehmet Oz said we must protect the “2nd amendment to protect all of our amendments.”

The facts are:

  • Oz has called for less access to guns, reinstituting the assault weapons ban, universal gun purchaser licensing, a New Zealand-style gun buyback program, promoted gun control on his show, and advocated for Red Flag laws in every state.

Mehmet Oz said “There’s no evidence that I’m not pro-life.”

The facts are:

  • Oz is said he is, “not socially conservative. … we should not be creating obstacles during the difficult time that women have when trying to terminate a pregnancy.”
  • Oz defended Roe v. Wade as a measure that prevents coat hanger abortions, said that he did not “want to interfere” with a woman’s ability to abort her baby, and suggested that pro-life laws would make businesses leave red states.

Mehmet Oz said he understands “how to unlock our energy sector” will “support Pennsylvania energy” and criticized the Democrats’ Green New Deal.

The facts are:

  • Oz said fracking caused birth defects, proposed copying New York’s ban on fracking, and even said a law that requires anyone who profits from a fracking site to drink the local water ‘could be effective.’
  • Oz has also said ‘Climate Change’ posed a catastrophic risk to human health, blamed fracking for air pollution, and called for stricter air quality regulations from the EPA.
  • Oz said fracking and coal mines contaminate Pennsylvania’s water supply, attacked energy companies on his show for contaminating the water supply, and advised expecting mothers who live near fracking wells to ‘keep three kilometers away from fracking fields’ due to the environmental and health risks associated with water pollution from fracking.


Oz said we must “protect the borders” and when pressed about his ownership in a company that knowingly hired illegal immigrants and received the largest fine in ICE history, Oz stated he has “No management role at all of Asplundh.”

The facts are:

  • Oz made money from his family company, Asplundh Tree Service, while running for U.S. Senate that paid the largest fine in ICE history for conspiring to hire and retain illegal immigrants over American workers.  
Original source can be found here


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