St. Louis Leaders Throw Their Weight Behind Lucas Kunce



Independence, MO – Today, Representative Rasheen Aldridge Jr., St. Louis County Councilwoman Shalonda Webb, Bellefontaine Neighbors Mayor Tommie Pierson Sr., and St. Louis Alderwoman Shameem Clark Hubbard are throwing their support behind 13-year Marine veteran Lucas Kunce in the Missouri U.S. Senate Race.

“There’s only one person in the race that can win, and that’s Lucas Kunce,” said Representative Rasheen Aldridge Jr, who served on the Ferguson Commission. “I’m looking for someone who’s going to fight for everyday Missourians, all of us. That’s Lucas. I’m backing him with everything I got because we deserve a Senator who puts working people first.”

“Lucas is a person who gets this state and who can actually win this race,” said Councilwoman Shalonda Webb. “That’s why I’m endorsing him. He’s talking about the issues that actually matter to working people. It’s about time we had someone in the Senate who loves his country and fights for Missourians.”

“Elections are about winning, and in order to win in Missouri, we need a fresh voice with a vision for this state,” said Mayor Tommie Pierson, Sr. “That voice and vision belong to Lucas Kunce. He’s a proven patriot who’s served his country in the Marines; he’ll continue that honorable service as our next Senator. Some people talk the talk, but this guy walks the walk. I’m proud to finally have a fighter in the race who not only can win but will do a damn good job representing all of us.”

“It’s exhausting how politicians in DC continue to try to divide US up,” said Alderwoman Shameem Clark Hubbard. “Lucas Kunce is the first candidate in a while who’s trying to bring real Missourians together, to invest in states and communities like ours. That’s why he’s earned my support. Lucas’s message is not only reaching, but it’s genuinely being received by people, all across this state and that is why I feel he is the one that can win this for US!”

Lucas Kunce continues to consolidate support in this race. He’s earned endorsements from VoteVets, League of Conservation Voters, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, No Dem Left Behind, Taking the Hill, and We Have the People.

Original source can be found here


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