WHEREAS, Alaska’s extensive road systems provide the ability for necessary transportation of Alaskans and visitors, who routinely travel for work, school, and pleasure, with the reasonable expectation of respectful and attentive treatment from fellow drivers; and
WHEREAS, driving while impaired jeopardizes the safety of everyone using public roadways and across our nation claims the lives, of thousands of men, women, and children annually. The consequences of driving while intoxicated are severe, but completely preventable by simply choosing not to get behind the wheel while impaired; and
WHEREAS, impaired driving remains a frequently-committed crime and a leading cause of death nationwide, permanently scarring countless families, loved ones, and communities; and
WHEREAS, all alcohol-related driving accidents are preventable through the use of good judgement and personal accountability. Every Alaskan plays a role in reducing the frequency of these incidents by speaking out and warning others of the dangers associated with impaired driving, confiscating the keys of would-be drivers they know to be intoxicated, and reminding drivers they are riding with to stay focused on the road and limit distractions; and
WHEREAS, we remember and honor the Victims of Drunk Driving whose lives were tragically cut short or were irreversibly impacted. All life is precious, and it is imperative that Alaskans protect their own lives, and the lives of their fellow Alaskans, by choosing to not drink and drive.
NOW THEREFORE, I, Mike Dunleavy, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ALASKA, do hereby proclaim July 3, 2022 as:
Drunk Driving Victims’ Remembrance Day
in Alaska, and encourage all Alaskans to remember the victims of drunk driving accidents by committing to safe decisions and not driving while impaired, or allowing someone else to.
Original source can be found here.