Patty’s Price Hikes, Part II: Pain at the Pump, Losing Our Energy Independence



Last month, the average price for a gallon of gas in Washington State reached an all-time high of $5.50. According to The Seattle Times, the “rate of increase in gasoline prices in 2021 is the highest recorded in the Seattle area since 2009.” Bottom Line: Patty is blaming everyone but herself for Washingtonians’ pain at the pump because, in truth, she voted in favor of policies that hurt American energy independence. 

Joe Biden is now begging foreign nations like Saudi Arabia and our adversaries like Venezuela to produce more oil – all after kicking off his first days in office with moves that stifled American energy independence. Patty had the chance to fight back on behalf of Washington consumers. Instead, she turned her back on them: 

After Joe Biden cancelled the Keystone XL Pipeline, costing thousands of jobs and billions in wages, Patty voted four times against restarting construction on the pipeline.

After Joe Biden was “holding back new drilling permits” and halting lease sales on federal lands, Patty Murray voted twice against measures that would’ve allowed for energy production on federal lands, which account for 25% of American oil and gas production.

As for the future of American energy and the pocketbooks of Washingtonians, Patty voted for policies to make things worse:

Patty would further hurt America’s ability to produce domestic energy, voting three times in favor of a ban on natural gas fracking.

Patty would make home energy costs higher, voting to allow local building codes that forceproperty owners to phase out natural gas heating and appliances in favor of more expensive options. 

Patty even voted to allow the federal government to impose a carbon tax – which would hit low-income Washingtonians the hardest – while voting to allow the rich to take tax credits for purchasing electric vehicles. 

After three decades as a politician, Patty Murray can identify problems, but always seems to blame someone else for them:

Original source can be found here.


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