-Helped K2 veterans get access to healthcare benefits. In February 2021, Rep. Green led a bicameral and bipartisan group of lawmakers in introducing the K2 Veterans Care Act, which grants a presumption of service connection to those veterans that served at Karshi-Khanabad Air Base (K2) during the War on Terror. This followed multiple legislative wins Green won for K2 veterans, including the signing of an Executive Order, modelled after Green’s bipartisan K2 Veterans Toxic Exposure Accountability Act, the inclusion of Green’s K2 toxic exposure study amendment in the FY2021 NDAA, and the implementation of Green’s initiative, giving K2 veterans access to the burn pit registry.
-Reintroduced the Protecting Gold Spouses Act. This bill would ensure that Gold Star families continue to receive payment even if there is a government shutdown or some other lapse in government funding.
-Introduced a bill to block Critical Race Theory indoctrination for servicemembers.
-Offered an amendment to H.R. 4502. This amendment instructs the Department of Defense to make housing improvements for military servicemembers and their families a priority. Because of Rep. Green’s fight on behalf of servicemembers and their families, the FY2022 NDAA contained a 150 percent increase in funding for army barracks.
-Fought against the Pentagon’s vaccine mandate for active duty troops. Rep. Green introduced a resolution opposing punishment for servicemembers who chose not to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Rep. Green secured a win for these servicemembers. Hisamendment was included in the final NDAA ensuring that troops who refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine will only receive an honorable discharge from their service.
-Introduced the Don’t Draft Our Daughters amendment.This amendment removed Democrats’ radical proposal forcing women to sign up for the draft. Because of opposition from lawmakers like Rep. Green the female mandatory draft proposal was dropped from the final NDAA.
Fought to safeguard our national security and hold the United States’ adversaries accountable.
-Fought to secure the southern border. Rep. Green offered two amendments to House Democrats’ amnesty bill. The first amendment would have prohibited illegal immigrants convicted of a felony or two misdemeanors from entering the country. Rep. Green also introduced the Migrant Accountability Act which would work to disincentive illegal immigration.
-Fought against the Chinese Communist Party’s dangerous influence**.** Rep. Green introduced 5 bills meant to protect the American people from the CCP’s continued aggressive actions.
-Introduced a bill to protect our military bases. The Military Perimeter Transparency Act, directs the Secretary of Defense to create an ongoing report regarding land purchased by foreign entities within proximity to United States military bases.
Fought for the rights of Americans to live in accordance with their conscience and sincerely held beliefs.
-Fought for the protection of women’s rights and privacy. Rep. Green offered an amendment to Democrats’ Equality Act. The first amendment offered protections for women from having to share private spaces with biological men and the second amendment would have protected medical personnel from having to perform procedures that violate their religious beliefs. Rep. Green also offered an amendment to Democrats’ Violence Against Women’s Reauthorization Act which would have protected the rights of faith-based women’s shelters from the left’s radical identity politics.
-Opposed the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates. Rep. Green sent a letter to President Biden in opposition to his vaccine mandate executive orders, which unfairly and unequally targeting federal contractors. As mentioned above, Rep. Green secured a victory to ensure that servicemembers who refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine only receive an honorable discharge.
Resisted Democrats’ schemes to bankrupt the country with reckless spending and fought to protect taxpayers.
-Introduced a Constitutional Amendment requiring Congress to balance its budget.
-Resisted Speaker Pelosi’s scheme to reintroduce the scandalous process of earmarking in Congress.
-Fought for the rights and privacy of taxpayers. Green introduced a Constitutional Amendment that requires a 3/5 majority of Congress to approve any legislation that increases taxes. Joined a letter expressing concerns on Democrats’ plans to increase IRS data collection.
Fought to preserve our Constitutional government.
-Introduced a Constitutional Amendment to stop the left’s court packing schemes.
-Fought to protect federalism and the rights of states. Rep. Green introduced the States Have a Say Act, a bill that requires the Biden administration to obtain the consent of a state’s leadership before resettling refugees there.
Focused on bolstering the United States’ relationship with important allies and bringing stability to the Western Hemisphere
**-**Served as Ranking Member of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee. As Ranking Member Rep. Green called on the Biden administration to recognize the Cuban Communist Regime’s threat to the Cuban people, the national security of the United States, and the stability of the Western Hemisphere. Green also called on Congress and the Biden administration to address the humanitarian and security crisis in Venezuela and hold the authoritarian, anti-democratic Maduro regime accountable for human rights abuses.
-Introduced the Allied Burden Sharing Report Act of 2021. This bipartisan, bicameral bill aims to strengthen NATO as well as hold our defense partners accountable. This bill would require the Department of Defense to provide Congress with a report on the defense contributions of our defense partners, including NATO countries.
-Introduced a bill to sanction Russia for the invasion of Ukraine’s Donbas region. In January 2022, Rep. Green was part of a bipartisan delegation to Brussels, Belgium and Kyiv, Ukraine to discuss the security situation of Ukraine in light of Russia’s continued escalations.
-Sought to hold the Biden administration accountable for its disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. In early August, Rep. Green demanded a plan from President Biden on Afghanistan. On August 26, Rep. Green demanded an indefinite extension to President Biden’s August 31 withdrawal deadline to ensure all Americans and all of our allies were evacuated safely. Rep. Green’s staff also worked around the clock to ensure that as many stranded Americans and Afghan allies were evacuated as possible.
Original source can be found here.