WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-6) called out the Biden Administration’s support for extending public health mandates, such as mask wearing, while ending Title 42, a critical tool in offsetting the unprecedented surge of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, on the House floor Wednesday.
The full speech, as prepare for delivery, is below:
Madam/Mister Speaker, when a federal judge struck down CDC’s fifteen-day extension of the mask mandate on public transportation, Americans celebrated this action as a welcome win for freedom.
This decision was long overdue and was welcomed by almost everybody except those in the Biden administration, who announced they would be appealing this decision.
After hearing this announcement, I was perplexed. After all, President Biden had just recently announced that he would be lifting pandemic restrictions on our southern border by rescinding Title 42. The American people got the message loud and clear: illegal immigrants first, Americans last.
2.4 million illegal immigrants have been apprehended at the border since President Biden took office - 221,303 just in the month of March. This is all BEFORE President Biden announced Title 42 would be rescinded, which is sure to lead to an even larger influx of immigrants as we wait to see the April numbers from Border Patrol.
Madam/Mister Speaker, it’s past time to put the politics aside and put our country first. We must secure the border by building the wall and enforcing our laws. I urge President Biden to reverse his decision to rescind Title 42 and put America first.
You can watch the full speech here.
Original source can be found here.