Washington, DC—Today, U.S. Rep. John Rose voted “No” on House Democrats’ partisan gun control bill.
U.S. Representative John Rose released the following statement:
“House Democrats decided to infringe on the 2nd amendment rights of law-abiding citizens instead of addressing mental health and school security issues, the root causes of gun violence and school shootings. I am proud to vote ‘No’ to defend the constitutional rights of law-abiding Tennesseans.”
H.R. 7910 would raise the age limit to purchase certain semiautomatic centerfire rifles and shotguns to 21 years old, outlaw self-manufactured firearms and bump stocks, establish regulations on how individuals must store guns in their private homes and create penalties for violating those regulations, establish new federal offenses for gun trafficking and straw purchasers that could see innocent Americans unknowingly become criminals, and enact duplicative laws already on the books that do nothing to stop criminals from trafficking illegally purchased guns.
U.S. Representative John Rose is currently serving his second term representing Tennessee's Sixth Congressional District and resides in Cookeville with his wife, Chelsea, and their two sons, Guy and Sam. The Sixth District includes Cannon, Clay, Coffee, Cumberland, DeKalb, Fentress, Jackson, Macon, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, Robertson, Smith, Sumner, Trousdale, White, and Wilson counties as well as portions of Cheatham and Van Buren counties. Representative Rose is an eighth-generation farmer, small business owner, and attorney, and currently serves on the House Financial Services Committee.
Original source can be found here.