WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-6) condemned recent attempts to intimidate Supreme Court Justices ahead of their decision on Dobbs v. Jackson and voiced his support of overturning Roe v. Wade.
The full speech, as prepared for delivery, is below:
Mister Speaker, almost fifty years ago, the Supreme Court erroneously decided that the right to end an unborn child’s life existed in the constitution. On that day, the United States become one of only six countries that allow abortion on demand throughout the entirety of pregnancy--putting us in the same category as China and North Korea.
Now, almost fifty years later, we might be on the precipice of the Court correcting their egregious mistake.
Unfortunately, due to the actions of a rogue actor with no regard for the laws or institutions of our country, justices must withstand attempts to dissuade them from correcting that ruling. Sadly, those attempts to intimidate the high court’s opinion have turned violent.
In fact, since the leaker, who I believe broke the law and should be held accountable to the full extent of the law, leaked Justice Alito’s draft opinion on Dobbs v. Jackson, a fence had to be constructed outside of the court to prevent attempts from left-wing agitators to “burn it down.” There was also a reported attempt to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh, which was thankfully foiled by our brave law enforcement officers. And as we are all surely aware, anti-life demonstrators have held protests for weeks outside of the homes of Justices Clarence Thomas, Amy Coney Barrett, and Brett Kavanaugh, which is a direct violation of 18 U.S. Code Section 1507.
Instead of breaking up these illegal demonstrations and putting an end to the intimidation and mob rule so present on the left, President Biden’s Department of Justice has allowed them to proceed accordingly. This, in my mind, sounds like an endorsement of the lawlessness. This administration doesn’t seem interested in enforcing laws that aren’t politically expedient, whether it’s at the southern border or elsewhere.
Mister Speaker, it’s no secret: I am 100% pro-life. I signed an amicus brief in support of overturning Roe v. Wade, and I remain hopeful that the Supreme Court will indeed finally overturn it. The number of lives lost since the Roe v. Wade decision was wrongly made is unfathomable. Countless lives have been lost that will never be granted the privilege to walk on God’s earth like those listening to this speech today. For years we have prayed, and finally, those prayers may potentially be answered.
If in fact, they are, that does not mean our work is done. While although the ability to legislate will be returned to the governing bodies our founders intended them to reside, we must work at each and every level of government: state, local, and federal to ensure progressives don’t get their way and allow taxpayer-funded abortions, something that 58% of Americans don’t support.
I promise to work, day in and day out, to ensure that every child is guaranteed the same right to life we all enjoy today. I will be a voice for the voiceless throughout my remaining time in Congress and even well after—much like my time before. Because after all, if there is no life: there is no liberty or pursuit of happiness.
You can watch the full speech here.
Original source can be found here.