While some of the issues related to rising inflation can be attributed to COVID-19, the fundamental lack of respect for your hard earned money and your future is at the foundation and the biggest driver of this crisis.
For decades, politicians in both parties have printed tens of trillions of dollars, dangerously devaluing our currency, to overcompensate for their craven desire to overspend your money. This severe mismanagement and dereliction of duty has pushed us to $30 trillion in debt, which continues to grow by the day.
Instead of acknowledging this problem, Washington has decided to double down by forcing through multi-trillion dollar spending bills. Now they continue to push for even more.
Prudent fiscal watchdogs predicted this time would come. Now it’s here, and it’s crushing American families.
Food and gasoline prices, construction costs, and virtually every daily household item has increased dramatically – with no end in sight.
Gas prices are one example. When the government limits domestic oil production (and the jobs that accompany it) you’re going to get higher prices. It’s Economics 101 that, unfortunately, Joe Biden and the far-leftDemocrats in Washington refuse to acknowledge.
When the government makes it more enticing for people to not work than work, you’re going to have a labor shortage and increased costs for consumers. Again, Economics 101.
To combat this problem, it’s going to take leaders in Washington willing to be the adult in the room and say ‘no’ to certain things.
Instead of trying to be a source and sustainer in every area of people’s lives, Washington needs to let the free-market be the driver of our economic engine. That’s the only way we’re going to get ourselves out of this crisis that is hurting so many of our friends and neighbors.
I meet fellow Virginians every day who are more concerned about their children and grandchildren’s futures being mortgaged than they are getting another stimulus check signed by Joe Biden. Whatever short term benefit our families have seen from these big spending bills are being completely washed away by the increased costs of goods that deficit spending and debt from Washington has caused.
A return to a constitutionally limited government that lives within its means is the answer to solve our present economic and fiscal woes as a nation.
Original source can be found here.