Just as many predicted, the so-called “Affordable Care Act” made the cost of healthcare, anything but.
This is a common refrain. Whenever the government chooses to get involved in the allocation of services, quality goes down and the cost goes up. Choice and competition are the key to expanded services, increased quality, and driving down costs.
As a result of the “Affordable Care Act”, many Virginians now only have one healthcare provider to choose from – and they’re stuck with whatever the plan is forced upon them.
To drive down the costs of healthcare we must allow families and individuals to have more healthcare options. Allowing individuals and families to purchase plans outside of their network and across state lines will allow Virginians to pick the plan best for them and at the lowest price.
Additionally, we need to eliminate IRS penalties and make health savings accounts tax free to anyone who wants one. This will provide consumers with the freedom and flexibility to fund and choose the healthcare coverage that works best for them.
Finally, I am an advocate for increased consumer transparency. A consumer should know exactly why a procedure or treatment costs the amount it does prior to scheduling. Requiring this sort of transparency will drive healthcare costs down faster than anything and is a far better alternative to one size fits all government plans and dictates.
Original source can be found here.