Montpelier, Vt. – On Tuesday, April 6, 2021 Lt. Governor Gray confirmed her participation in the 2021-22 Healthy States National Task Force which aims to craft public policy solutions to challenges amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The National Task Force was launched by the Council of State Governments and will develop a series of publications, webinars, podcasts, educational programming, and reports with key findings to share with state officials in all 50 states and the U.S. Territories over the course of the 2021-2022 biennium.
Lt. Governor Gray joins Lt. Governor Kristin Juras of Montana and other elected leaders on an Economic and Workforce Health Subcommittee with the focus on building long-term, sustainable, and equitable policy solutions to address workforce development, including apprenticeships, unemployment insurance, occupational licensure, and broadband access.
“From closing the broadband gap to addressing workforce development, the issues facing rural Vermont are many of the same issues facing rural America,” said Lt. Governor Gray. “I look forward to working across party lines with bi-partisan leaders from rural states including Montana, Maine, Idaho, and North Dakota who also face demographic challenges, particularly a shrinking tax-base and aging population. I’m hopeful we can learn from each other and share solutions and initiatives from our different states that so often serve as laboratories.”
The Lt. Governor will attend a series of meetings throughout the next two years to engage with CSG researchers, subject-matter experts, and Task Force partners. Together, members of the subcommittee will identify states’ needs; assess and discuss policy options, innovations, and strategies; and develop policy recommendations.
Original source can be found here.