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O’Dea Leans Into Hard Work Theme in New Ad



Denver, CO — Political outsider, successful business leader, and Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Joe O’Dea's campaign released a new TV ad campaign highlighting Joe's background as a working American ready to fight for working Americans.

The O'Dea campaign is launching a :30 second TV ad titled: “Hard Work.”

The television advertisements run by the two campaigns provide a vivid contrast between Joe O’Dea and Michael Bennet.

“Joe O’Dea is an American success story – a carpenter who worked his way up to became a CEO, a championship horseman who loves Colorado, a guy who’s walked the walk on bipartisanship by supporting Republicans and Democrats over the years,” said Zack Roday, O'Dea's campaign manager.

“Michael Bennet’s a politician whose crocodile tears about special interest money are as phony as his one day fishing license. Bennet has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from PACs, special interest influencers and liberal billionaires over the years. Let’s just say Michael Bennet was far less concerned about the integrity of the democracy and special interest money when Chuck Schumer was spending millions trying to manipulate the outcome of the Republican Primary for Michael Bennet’s benefit.

“Joe O’Dea is a work horse who won’t be controlled by a political party. Michael Bennet is Joe Biden’s Senator who does bipartisanship like he does fly fishing – only every once in a while during an election season.”

Full transcript below:

Joe O'Dea: Let’s get America moving forward.

Joe O'Dea: I’m not a politician. I’ll work for Colorado.

Marty: Joe washed dishes here at Piccolo’s and worked his way through school.

Tomasa: Joe wasn’t always the boss – he started as a union carpenter and worked his way up.

Meghan: Everyone in Washington votes the party line. Joe won’t. He doesn’t care about partisanship. He’ll represent Colorado.

Joe O'Dea: I’m Joe O’Dea; I approve this message. I’m not focused on political parties. I’ll do what’s right for our country.

The ad features important pieces of Joe's life story. O’Dea, whose Dad helped start the mounted patrol for the Denver Police Department, is an avid horseman. O’Dea’s dad made him wash dishes at Piccolo's to pay for tuition in Catholic school. Today, O’Dea, a union carpenter when he was only a young man, runs a successful construction company that employs 300. All aspects are featured in the ad.

Chuck Schumer and national Democrats spent $10 million meddling in Colorado’s GOP primary to hijack the election and boost an election-denier.

During his failed run for president, Michael Bennet also embraced the support of various billionaires to fund his campaign.

In his first ad for the 2022 election, Michael Bennet claims he doesn’t corporate PAC contributions. The truth is he’s taken thousands from groups that accept corporate PAC money.

Bennet obtained a one day fishing license to film his latest ad.

Learn more about Joe O’Dea’s campaign here.

Original source can be found here


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