Denver, CO — Political outsider, successful business leader, and Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Joe O’Dea's campaign released a new Spanish-language TV ad campaign highlighting Joe's background as a working American and his plans to be a voice for working Americans.
The O'Dea campaign is launching a :30 second TV ad titled: “Una Historia Americana.” An American Story.
“We were able to live our American Dream, and we want future generations to be able to have the same opportunities that we had. For decades we've gotten to work with first- and second-generation Hispanic or Latino immigrants who are planting their roots here in Colorado and also want to leave a better future for their kids and grandkids. This is the American story, and we want to keep it going.” said Joe and Celeste O'Dea.
Full transcript below:
Voiceover: Joe O'Dea, una historia americana de éxito. Fue adoptado al nacer. Fue criado por un oficial de la policía. Pagó por su educación católica lavando platos. O'Dea dejó sus estudios universitarios para establecer una empresa constructora. Joe O'Dea se está postulando para ser el vocero de la gente trabajadora. Joe O'Dea reducirá la inflación y los precios de la gasolina. Asegurará nuestra frontera y protegerá a los Soñadores. Apoyará a la policía y limpiará nuestras calles de la delincuencia. Joe O'Dea, el vocero de la gente trabajadora.
Joe O'Dea, an American success story. He was adopted at birth. He was raised by a police officer. He paid for his Catholic education by washing dishes. O'Dea left college to set up a construction company. Joe O'Dea is running to be the voice for working people. Joe O'Dea will reduce inflation and gas prices. He will secure our border and protect the Dreamers. He will support the police and rid our streets of crime. Joe O'Dea, the voice for working people.
Joe O'Dea: I'm Joe O'Dea, and I approve this message.
Learn more about Joe O’Dea’s campaign here.
Original source can be found here