Denver, CO — In case you missed it, political outsider, successful business leader, and Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Joe O’Dea's campaign released a new Spanish-language TV ad campaign highlighting Joe's background as a working American and his plans to be a voice for working Americans.
In the News:
Colorado Politics: “In Spanish, the ad's narrator says O'Dea will support the police and rid the stress of crime, bring down inflation and gas prices, secure the border and protect Dreamers, a phrase describing undocumented children of immigrants who were brought to the United States at a young age.”
What They're Saying:
Ernest Lee Luning: @eluning: “CO Republican Joe O’Dea says he’ll protect Dreamers in new Spanish-language TV ad that calls the construction company owner 'the voice for working people.' O’Dea is challenging Michael Bennet in Dem-leaning #cosen race. #copolitics”
Adrian Felix: @AFelixMedia: “To my knowledge, he’s currently the only candidate running Spanish ads on broadcast media.”
Nick Riccardi: @NickRiccardi: “Another notably different approach from O’Dea compared to other GOP senate candidates”
Learn more about Joe O’Dea’s campaign here.
Original source can be found here