Levin Votes ‘No’ on Oversized Pentagon Budget



Today, Congressman Andy Levin (D-Bloomfield Township), Deputy Whip of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, released the following statement after voting against the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA):

“Families across the country are still dealing with economic turmoil and uncertainty after more than two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and soaring inflation. In the face of incredible human need in every corner of our nation, I could not vote to pass an $839.3 billion Pentagon budget—which was a whopping $37 billion over the President’s Budget Request.

“The National Defense Authorization Act has several important provisions that I strongly support, including language that enables the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, which after 22 years in operation remains a stain on our democracy. It also includes a 4.6 percent pay raise for our servicemembers and civilian employees, codifies a $15 per hour minimum wage for federal service and construction contractors, bolsters support for Ukraine against Russia’s invasion and promotes a peaceful settlement between Armenia and Azerbaijan, among other provisions.

“I support having by far the strongest military in the world and the good-paying defense jobs across Southeast Michigan that protect our troops and keep us safe, but I cannot support ever-increasing military spending while millions of working families struggle in this trying economic time.   

“Further, I could not meet the gaze of constituents who have been begging their elected officials to deliver increased funding for abortion access, paid family leave, universal health care, student debt cancellation and more, and tell them I sided with a bloated Pentagon budget instead. It simply isn’t right.

“On the whole, the National Defense Authorization Act exemplifies the basic fact that we spend far too much on military-first solutions and far too little on diplomacy and on human needs at home and around the globe. I remain committed to working with my colleagues in Congress and with the President to develop a responsible Pentagon budget that elevates diplomacy and peace over war.”

Original source can be found here.


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