Today, SB170 Election Schedule Amendments was made public. This bill is the product of a collaborative effort between the Utah Democratic Party, the Utah Republican Party, and the Senate Minority and Majority Caucuses. S.B. 170 would move the candidate filing period for this year from March 7-11 to February 28-March 4. Under the current schedule, the filing period falls in the middle of caucus night events throughout the state. By moving the filing period forward, we can help people to be as informed as possible about the candidates on the ballot before heading to their local caucus event. The bill will also move the filing period to the beginning of January in all future election years.
Senate Minority Whip Luz Escamilla said of the bill, “S.B. 170 is the direction needed to ensure participation in the election process is timely and adequate for all. This will empower the people of Utah and will provide better ways to participate in the process.”
“This bill will help ensure that those who participate in caucus nights across the state will be as informed as possible about the candidates on the ballot, and it will make sure that candidates, voters, and local parties are all on the same page,” said Diane Lewis, chair of the Utah Democratic Party. “I support this bill, and I look forward to an increase in civic participation as a result.”
The Utah Democratic Party fully endorses S.B. 170 and looks forward to seeing it move through the legislative process as soon as possible.
The Utah Democratic Party is the face and voice of Democrats in the State of Utah. We believe that Utahns deserve strong, competent leadership that puts the people and democracy first.
Original source can be found here.