Blake Moore | Blake Moore

I convened a debt and deficit task force in Ogden



I convened a debt and deficit task force in Ogden with local community leaders to create a roadmap on how to grow the economy, save our vital programs for vulnerable Americans, and better target America's spending. We are committed to drafting productive solutions that represent Utah's First District, and we are publishing a strategy document to lay out our concerns and recommendations.

The sad reality is that inflation is costing hardworking Utah families $511 per month. Thanks to tax-and-spend policies that are contributing to inflation, Utahns are grappling with the rising costs of gas, groceries, utilities, housing, and clothing. I am committed to finding solutions to harmful spending policies so Utahns can keep more of their own money in their own pockets and save for their futures.

In Congress, I support the Federal Agency Sunset Commission Act and the Fiscal State of the Nation Resolution to make government more efficient and force legislators to face the true fiscal health of our government. I also am working to recoup the hundreds of billions of dollars from COVID-19 relief funds that were never obligated. We should use these wasted dollars for debt reduction, not additional spending. Reversing the debt-to-GDP ratio is at the top of my fiscal agenda.

Original source can be found here.


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