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Protecting the Unborn & Religious Freedom

North Carolina


The Right to Life

As a proud mother and grandmother, I am profoundly aware of the precious value of every God-given life. The right to life is the most basic right given to us by God, as our Founders rightly recognized.

Defending innocent, voiceless lives at all stages and promoting family values is of utmost importance to me. That’s one reason I am a proud member of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, Congressional Prayer Caucus and Values Action Team.

As a pro-life champion, I will never waver in my support of efforts to halt the scourge of abortion, including banning elective abortion on developed, unborn children capable of feeling pain and ending federal funding of the abortion industry.

A nation that glibly aborts its unborn children is a nation that is destroying its future and best hope for flourishing. I am committed to celebrating and protecting life from conception to natural death, so that we pass on a heritage of life to coming generations, with the knowledge that every person is made with dignity in the image of their Creator.

Religious Liberty

I am also strongly committed to protecting the religious liberty of Americans of faith. Today too many Americans are being coerced or punished for simply living out their sincere and deeply held religious beliefs.

Tolerance is not a one-way street. Rather, it is a wide boulevard where people of many different beliefs or worldviews can live, work and worship alongside each other. Our nation was built on Judeo-Christian values—including the value of loving our neighbors regardless of how they worship—and we would be wise to continue to honor these values.

The First Amendment clearly states that Congress shall make no law establishing a state religion. But it also prohibits Congress from prohibiting the free exercise thereof. That means our Constitution guarantees Americans the freedom to worship, think, speak, and believe as they choose. Forcing Americans to conform to state-approved and politically-correct forms of expression, or to check their religious beliefs at the door when engaging in any sort of public debate is wrong. So, I will continue to fight for religious liberty and to honor and carry on our long-standing religious heritage.

Original source can be found here.


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