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North Carolina


I am the granddaughter of Italian immigrants who came to America seeking opportunity, liberty and prosperity. We are a nation of immigrants, and this is a great strength of ours. We are also a nation of laws, which is one thing that sets us apart from so many despotic regimes throughout the world and throughout time.

It is our rule of law—the right of every American to equal protection under the law—that makes us great. In fact, this rule of law is part of what makes our nation so attractive for anyone seeking to escape injustice, poverty or oppression around the world.

While our immigration system is broken, we must not seek to reform it by destroying the very thing that makes our nation strong, our rule of law. Thus, our guiding light on immigration reform should be to secure our borders, uphold our laws, and protect our national security. This is why I support President Trump’s efforts to enforce our current immigration laws and secure our border.

If we start with these principles, we can make progress to reform our immigration system, so that it works for everyone: for families, workers, employers and taxpayers.

Original source can be found here.


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