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Taxes and Spending

North Carolina


If we want strong economic growth and increasing economic freedom we need a fair tax system, which starts with low taxes. That’s why I strongly supported President Trump’s tax reform law, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This tax legislation overhauled our tax system to simplify our tax code and lower tax rates for North Carolina families and small businesses.

While we can still do more to make sure our tax system works to incentivize job creation and a strong economy, this legislation was the most sweeping overhaul of our tax code in more than 30 years and has put us on a path that rewards hard work, job creation and innovation.

The other side of the tax coin is federal spending, which must be kept in check. To ensure our children and grandchildren have the same opportunities we have enjoyed, I am fighting to move the federal government toward a balanced budget.

We must continue to cut wasteful federal spending and redirect limited funds to federal priorities such as national defense and protecting programs Americans rely on such as Social Security and Medicare. Taking these commonsense steps now will ensure that the federal budget gets back on sound footing and that our children and grandchildren face a future of opportunity, not debt.

Original source can be found here.


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