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Keeping North Carolina Safe

North Carolina


Resources for First Responders: Kathy is grateful for the work that our first responders do to keep our communities safe. She was proud to secure funding for upgrades to the dispatch systems used in Greensboro and Winston-Salem to ensure that first responders can react quickly when community members are in need. 

Policing Reform: Kathy supported the passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act which would ban chokeholds and no knock warrants, create a national police database, and establish national standards for policing. Kathy believes we should re-evaluate the process police officers use to perform vehicle stops for minor infractions and she supports annual evaluation and training for officers Kathy also supports increased access to health care, including mental health care, to help police officers process the stress of their daily jobs.

Common Sense Gun Safety: Kathy believes it is long past time to take the steps to end the gun violence that is ravaging our country. Kathy supports common sense solutions to curb the epidemic of gun violence including comprehensive background checks, closing loopholes for gun show sales, red flag laws, and banning bump stocks and high capacity magazines.

Original source can be found here.


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