Today, U.S. Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-Hull) issued the following statement after voting for critical defense investments and against unrelated, pork-barrel spending that fuels inflation and adds to our crippling national debt:
“Last night, the dysfunction of our federal government was on full display. Instead of debating the merits of this massive spending bill in committee and negotiating a fiscally sound package that actually reduces our $30 trillion debt, Speaker Pelosi assembled her $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill – split into defense and nondefense portions – behind closed doors. This is no way to govern, and the American people expect much better from their elected officials.
After reviewing the bill’s provisions, I was proud to vote for the defense portion – which is an absolute necessity in today’s increasingly volatile world – that fully funds our military, gives our troops a well-deserved pay raise, builds the border wall, and delivers critical aid to Ukraine.
On the other hand, I could not support the nondefense portion of the omnibus. It included wasteful, pork-barrel spending and billions of dollars to let the IRS harass law-abiding taxpayers. These provisions are bad for our rural communities and bad for Iowa.
As a strong fiscal hawk, I will not turn a blind eye to our crushing national debt while Pelosi and her allies spend our country into oblivion. It’s time to get serious about cutting the pork out of the federal government and returning that money to Iowa taxpayers and families.”
Original source can be found here