Today, U.S. Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-Hull) introduced legislation which bans doctors and other medical professionals from knowingly performing abortions on unborn children diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) – an extremely rare genetic condition that affects roughly 70,000 women and girls nationwide.
Formally introduced as H.R. 7179, the Protecting Girls with Turner Syndrome Act criminalizes the coercive, forceful, or intentional abortion of an unborn child diagnosed with TS. This legislation also bans medical professionals from accepting or soliciting funds to perform such an abortion and transporting a woman into the United States or across state lines to knowingly perform an abortion due to a fetal TS diagnosis.
A woman who undergoes an abortion related to a TS diagnosis cannot be prosecuted or held civilly liable.
“My faith teaches me that every person is created for a purpose and a reason, and that every person – both born and unborn – deserves to be treated with dignity and respect,” said Rep. Feenstra. “The Protecting Girls with Turner Syndrome Act is a critical step as we fight to put an end to abortion in our country. As a father and a Christian, I will always be a strong voice for the voiceless because there is nothing more fundamental and sacred in our Constitution than the right to life for all.”
In February, Feenstra spoke on the House floor to bring awareness to TS and recognize his constituent, Nicole Cleveland of Sergeant Bluff, who was diagnosed with TS at birth and now advocates for the thousands of women and girls with TS in the U.S.
The Protecting Girls with Turner Syndrome Act is supported by several pro-life organizations, including the Susan B. Anthony List, the National Right to Life Committee, and the Family Research Council.
“Every human being has intrinsic value. Targeting any child for lethal discrimination is wrong, and selectively aborting girls – who solely are affected by Turner syndrome – is especially hypocritical for those who claim abortion is about women’s rights and equality,” said the Honorable Marilyn Musgrave, Vice President of Government Affairs at the Susan B. Anthony List. “We appreciate Congressman Feenstra’s dedication to standing for the unborn and his special focus on defending girls with Turner syndrome. His legislation will save lives and ought to pass swiftly.”
“National Right to Life applauds Rep. Randy Feenstra for introducing the Protecting Girls with Turner Syndrome Act of 2022,” said Jennifer Popik, J.D., Legislative Director of the National Right to Life Committee. “No baby should suffer death by abortion because she has a disability. Mothers given a diagnosis of a disability of their unborn child have a right to be supported and to receive information on resources instead of a referral to an abortion facility. We thank Rep. Feenstra for his work on this important issue.”
“As a pro-life woman who lives with Turner syndrome (TS), this bill strikes a personal chord,” said Mary Beth Waddell, J.D., Director of Federal Affairs at the Family Research Council. “Every TS girl deserves the chance to live her life to the fullest. I am grateful to Rep. Feenstra for helping ensure that happens with his legislation (H.R. 7179) to protect little girls with Turner syndrome in the womb.”
Original source can be found here