Today, Rep. Mark Green, a decorated combat veteran and member of the House Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement after the “Red Flag” gun law provision and female draft requirement were dropped from the final House-Senate negotiated National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The NDAA also includes an amended version of Rep. Green’s amendment to ban dishonorable discharges for servicemembers who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine:
“As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I worked closely with my colleagues to strip out several radical progressive priorities. I voted to advance the NDAA to Conference Committee several weeks ago so we could get the NDAA off the House floor—the most liberal place in Washington—and into negotiations. Thankfully, the two most troubling provisions—the red flag law and women in the draft—have been removed from the FY2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).”
“I’m also proud to have successfully fought to have my amendment banning dishonorable discharges for servicemembers who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine included in the legislation. While I’m disappointed that my amendment was changed from only permitting an “honorable discharge” to permitting either an “honorable discharge” or a “general discharge under honorable conditions," this legislation is still a big leap in the right direction. We must always stand for our brave men and women in uniform all around this world.”
“These victories are a testament to everyday Americans all across the nation who made their voices heard in the halls of Congress.”
Original source can be found here.