Today, Congressman Dan Meuser (PA-09) announced that his support for the transportation and infrastructure bill is in serious jeopardy if it is linked to the disastrous reconciliation bill that the Biden Administration and Democrat leadership is promoting.
"The Biden Administration, Democrat leadership and most Democrats continue to link the transportation and infrastructure bill to the passage of a damaging, multi-trillion-dollar extreme liberal, big government package, which has put my support of the transportation and infrastructure bill in serious jeopardy.
Transportation and infrastructure is a core function of government and the revitalization of our nations systems is much needed, and I do feel it is in the interests of Pennsylvania. The bipartisan transportation and infrastructure bill is far from perfect, but I am willing to support it. However, continued linkage to the reconciliation package and all the negatives to our economy and the American people that come with it, far outweighs the positives of the transportation and infrastructure bill.
The Democrats' reconciliation bill is the largest tax bill that we have ever seen. They also want to suspend the debt ceiling, but with no ceiling. Giving the Biden Administration and the left-wing of the Democrat caucus a blank check on the backs of the taxpayers, would be highly irresponsible representation of the people.
The Democrats' reconciliation package includes:
- $4 plus trillion in added debt (nearly 15% of our current $28.6 trillion debt in one bill)
- Largest tax increases ever
- Amnesty for 8 million illegal immigrants
- Disincentivizes workforce availability
- Taxes on domestic energy and domestic electric batteries
- 87,000 new employees for the IRS
- 1 million planned hires for the new Civilian Climate Corps
- Largest expansion of government run healthcare since Obamacare
The stakes are high, and the American people must make their voices heard. Tell Democrats in Congress to put a STOP to this reconciliation bill and VOTE YES to a standalone transportation and infrastructure bill."
Original source can be found here.