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Tim Ryan, a “fierce Advocate” for Workers, Gains Momentim in “razor-thin” #ohsen Race



Tim Ryan continued to prove that his commitment for fighting like hell for workers is resonating with Ohioans across the state.

Two New Polls Show “Razor-Thin” Margin

This week, two new polls showed Tim running neck and neck with JD Vance in the race for U.S. Senate in Ohio. The first public poll of the general election, conducted by Suffolk University for the USA Today Network, showed Tim winning 43%-32% among Independent voters and leading 44%-41% among voters who know both candidates.

  • TIM’S WINNING AMONG INDEPENDENTS: “I like his proactive approach to commercials,” said independent voter Andrew Testa. “You know, hey, maybe we’ve not done everything right in the past. I understand that with trade agreements and things in the past. But he seems willing to make things right.”
  • TIM IS SEEN AS MORE FAVORABLE THAN JD VANCE: “Ryan has a higher net-favorability score than his rival — 40 percent of likely voters view him favorably, while 23 percent view him unfavorably. Vance is viewed favorably by 35 percent, but his unfavorable rating is at 38 percent after the tough Senate primary that included tens of millions of dollars in attack ads.”
  • FOX NEWS’ PAUL STEINHAUSER ON THE POLL’S TAKEAWAYS: Tim, “who’s championed the working class during his many years in Congress,” is “virtually tied” with JD Vance in the race to succeed retiring GOP Sen. Rob Portman.
A second poll, released this week by Innovation Ohio, showed Tim leading J.D. Vance by 2 points—clearly showing Tim’s momentum is real and growing.

Tim Meets With Workers in Marietta, Hannibal, and Zanesville

Tim continued to meet with workers across the state this week, visiting the Long Ridge Energy Generation power plant in Hannibal, holding a roundtable with manufacturing workers in Marietta, touring the Bimbo Bakery in Zanesville. 

  • LONG RIDGE ENERGY CEO BO WHOLEY ON TIM’S VISIT TO HANNIBAL: “Long Ridge power plant is the only power plant in the world that’s been blending hydrogen at a large scale, and the reason that’s important is that we’re seeking federal funding from the Infrastructure Bill – $8 billion is being made available for hydrogen funding. … And we really appreciate Congressman Ryan’s support today.”
  • TIM’S PLAN TO HELP MANUFACTURING WORKERS IN MARIETTA: “We gotta manufacture. If you’re not making stuff, the economy doesn’t work. To me, if you’re going to build stuff, you’ve gotta have infrastructure, which is why the infrastructure bill was so important.”
  • WHIZ’S MAGGIE WARREN ON TIM’S VISIT TO ZANESVILLE: “The fight for better benefits such as higher wages and more time off for the working class is personal for the Senate-candidate who grew up just outside of Youngstown in a community similar to Zanesville.”
While campaigning across the state, Tim has also been calling for a middle-class tax cut to give working Ohioans a little bit of breathing room. 

  • TIM ON HIS CALL FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION: “I’ve been kind of a lone soldier here on this issue. I think, you know, a lot of people are getting in the more complicated areas here that… are going to take time, they’re not going to have immediate impact.”
New TV Ad Highlights Tim’s Strong Record on Trade

Tim’s U.S. Senate campaign released a new TV ad highlighting Tim’s record of working across the aisle to push for trade policies that benefit Ohio workers, while holding JD Vance accountable for downplaying the devastating cost of bad trade deals and outsourcing.

Original source can be found here


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