Marvin Boguslawski | North Carolina Congressional District 6

Secure Border And Immigration Reform

North Carolina


We are a sovereign nation of laws – can you believe Bill Clinton and Barack Obama said that!?!? I agree. A secure border supports our laws and order. Even more important, an open border supports and encourages sex trafficking. What crime can be more heinous than this? Only murder, but I would submit that the victims of these crimes are truly the “living dead” – physically, mentally, and spiritually. This must stop and is truly a sad state of global culture. A border wall is a step in the right direction to reduce this crime.

A secure border needs to be coupled with immigration reform. I am the son of a legal immigrant. I love America. It is very difficult to legally immigrate. Like many or all government systems, there are major opportunities for improvement for hard-working people who want to chase the American Dream. Isn’t it interesting, I’ve never heard the phrase, chase the German dream, the Chinese dream, or the Nigerian dream. We are a nation of immigrants – this is the beautiful heart of America. We are also a nation of laws, which includes legal immigration.

Original source can be found here.


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