Chuck Edwards | North Carolina Congressional District 11

A Secure Border

North Carolina


In the NC Senate, I sponsored the legislation that outlawed sanctuary cities in North Carolina. I believe it is the basic responsibility of our government to keep people safe. The Democrats in Washington have failed at that responsibility.

The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol announced that 2 million migrants tried to cross our southern border in 2021, and nearly 179,000 were apprehended in December alone. Tens of thousands of those were unaccompanied children, resulting in a humanitarian crisis.

In the year since Joe Biden has been president, the situation at our southern border has deteriorated. The Biden administration has considered writing $450,000 checks to illegal immigrants who broke the law coming here, and Democrats in Congress have pushed for mass amnesty and for taxpayer-funded benefits.

It’s also a national security crisis. Since President Biden has taken office, the Border Patrol has arrested migrants from more than 50 countries, including several on the Department of Homeland Security’s terrorist watch list, and others from the criminal gang MS-13.

I will always put America’s security first. That means strengthening our borders, restoring funding to build the wall, and forcing all federal agencies to enforce our immigration laws. We need to keep out those who want to break our laws, do us harm, or not wait their turn.

Original source can be found here.


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