Earl Blumenauer | Earl Blumenauer

Earl Blumenauer: Rebuilding and Renewing America



Earl is fighting to update our nation’s infrastructure to allow for easier, more equitable, and environmentally friendly transportation into the 21st century.

  • Bringing our Transportation to the 21st century. The Congressman has worked with colleagues to develop a comprehensive $1 trillion package that sustainably invests in roads, bridges, transit systems, water and sewer systems, ports, airports, public buildings broadband, and the electric grid.
  • Create family wage jobs. There is no better way to create millions of family wage jobs than by investing in infrastructure. Every $1.3 billion invested in infrastructure would add 29,000 jobs to the construction sector alone.
  • Fund water infrastructure, schools, public buildings. Every American should have access to clean drinking water, high quality schools, and well-funded public buildings. In this effort, he has:
    • Created a water loan program that is estimated to leverage at least $250 million in water infrastructure projects.
    • Successfully advocated for increased funding to the EPA’s Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund.
    • Pushed for legislation to create a Water Infrastructure Trust Fund and legislation to make significant investments in America’s schools, hospitals, courthouses, and other public buildings.
Original source can be found here.


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