As a working mom, Val has seen the struggles Oregon families face. In the legislature, she fought for paid sick leave, increasing Oregon’s minimum wage, and for the largest increase in public education funding in Oregon history. In Congress, we can count on her to stand up for women and their families, and fight for:
- Increasing the federal minimum wage to $15/hour and eliminating the tipped minimum wage.
- Universal preschool and federal support to ensure affordable child care costs for working families.
- Comprehensive paid family and medical leave for all workers.
- Strong enforcement of protections against discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
- Federal investments in workforce training and expanding the apprenticeship model in areas like construction, fire fighting, and mental health services so Oregon has the workforce it needs to be competitive and more Oregonians can get good-paying, highly-skilled jobs.
- Passage of the PRO Act to make it easier for workers to form unions and collectively bargain.