I have Faith in us ALL
I have faith that we can return the United States of America to the neighbor loving, human supporting, human rights defender that it is intended to be and has strived to be from the beginning.
I have faith in You to help make that happen. You have the mental capacity to manage your own life. You know what you want and need in your life more than any bureaucrat or politician. You have the ability to understand the dangers you face in your life, and how best to deal with them. You will act as a caring and responsible member of society when given the freedom and the opportunity to do so. It is you, and only you, who can continually guide your life to a place where you are happy and feel safe. This because only you know and can fully understand what that means to you.
So how does my FAITH in US serve you as a constituent? It means that I will do everything in my power to empower you to serve yourself, your community, your state and your country in the way the suits and supports you best. This is the only true way that your leaders and your government can support your personal success and happiness.
First you are a member of the Human Race and deserve all of the protections and rights given to you by God and the Constitution of the United States of America just as much as every other Human Citizen of the USA. While that is the same amount of protection, opportunity and respect that every member of the Human Race deserves, many people in this world do not have these rights and protections today. I will continuously fight to maintain these human rights for you. It is this equal protection that gives you the pride and commitment to your endeavors that will drive you to success. Only freedom and equal protections give Humans the drive to improve themselves and their communities. That is because under Freedom and Equal Protections that you know what you attain is yours, came from your efforts, and can not be randomly taken from you.
Community is not what it was when this country was founded. At that time, community was everything. Our Founding Fathers had no possible way to understand what “community” would change into in the 21st Century. They rightfully assumed that community would remain the center of human existence so they believed that the needs of the community would drive the actions of legislators and thereby the future of American society and politics. Empowering people to build community builds a better life for everyone.
Finally it is the Great Constitution and Bill of Rights of this Great Nation that makes all these things possible for you. It is the Constitution and Bill of Rights that gives you the very right to speak against it. Without this extremely important and complicated right every other right or freedom you think you have is at stake. Beyond that I believe that these documents endeavor to create a government that Believes in You and is guided by you and a country who’s citizens respect you as a Human Being regardless of who or where you are, where you grew up, who your parents are, or how any of that affected your skin pigmentation (or any other physical trait). In the end the Constitution and Bill of Rights are much more complicated than that. However, these seem to be the basic goals of those documents.
Now back to how this serves you as a Constituent. I believe in you. I believe you are the heart and sole of this Great Nation. I believe the United States of America needs YOU to be all that it can be. Your government needs to empower you to create a better life and better community according to your vision. You are the master of your government, not the other way around. I will continuously fight for legislation that serves and gives you the respect you deserve as a Human Being and as a contributor/stakeholder/citizen of the greatest nation and society ever created on the planet.
As a Citizen of the United States of America you have prosperity and freedom unparalleled at any time in history, or on this planet today. This true at every income level in this country. You have the FREEDOM you have because of humans that fought and died for you to have it. You have that PROSPERITY because your personal property rights are protected in the United States of America. As Citizens of the United States of America we owe it to those who fought and died for our freedom and prosperity to fight to keep that freedom and prosperity for the future generations of Citizens of the United States of America. I am here to lead that charge by supporting you to be all that you can be and be the best Citizen you can be. Together we will secure freedom and prosperity for your grandchildren’s children, and their childrens’ children.
This is why one of the biggest parts of my platform is information. Throughout my campaign, and my tenure as Congressman, I intend to provide you with information you need to take control of your community and your country and retain that control into the future.
I have “Faith of the Heart” that America can continue to be the greatest nation on earth and the leading force for freedom and liberty for all HUMANS. I have FAITH that together, and with God, The United States Of America can and will recover from recent losses and build a stronger and more loving nation that anyone ever imagined we could be. That FAITH depends on you becoming informed and engaged. Please start now by Rising Up in any way you can.
Original source can be found here.